Below you will find everything you need to bring the power of meditation into your daily life. The course is the culmination of 20 years personal practice, 15 years of teaching and focuses on bringing meditation into your daily life.
In order to make the most out of the program I would recommend two things.
Firstly, each week follow our simple structure:
- Attend the Monday night group
- Meditate daily
- Work through the pre-recorded material
- Post any questions you have on the Facebook page
Daily Meditation
Along with attending the Monday night class, the first two weeks are all about the meditation techniques and establishing a daily practice. I have taught hundreds of people how to meditate and routinely the same three struggles are at the top of the list:
- “how do I maintain a daily practice”
- “why can’t I stop my mind from thinking”
- “how do I stop being hard on myself when I struggle with my meditation”

Daily Meditation 5 Pillars
The above 5 pillars of the daily meditation program underline everything we do. If at any stage you are stuck or not sure how to proceed, come back to this image and these 5 pillars and I guarantee one of them will get you unstuck!
Proceed to the resources in the Deep Dive Introduction Module Below.

Module 01

Module 02

Module 03

Module 04

Module 05

Module 06

Module 07

Module 08

Module 09

Module 10