True Self

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Welcome to the first True Self blog!

Welcome to of the first blog on the True Self website!

My name is Dean Smith and I am the founder and head therapist at True Self (you can find out more about my background at about Dean).  In this first blog I want to give you a little background about why I have become so focused on this one core issue.  What I call the “not good enough core theme!”.

Over my 30 years of clinical practice, I have been focused on working holistically with clients and getting to the root cause of their difficulties and struggles.  What I routinely noticed is the same core theme was coming up for people repeatedly.  A pervasive and habitual feeling of not being good enough.  Now this can come up in many different forms, however the essence of this struggle for people seemed to be the same, “not feeling good enough” in some way.

I have come to believe that this core issue is responsible for most of the problems and struggles that people have and THIS IS WHY I HAVE BECOME SO FOCUSED ON IT and why I developed “True Self”.  True Self is the culmination of my 30 years of clinical practice helping people to grow, learn and evolve, transforming this deep-seated feeling of not being good enough.


When I start exploring this with clients, they sometimes can’t see that this core theme is the cause of many of their problems.  This is because the “not good enough core theme” can show up in many different ways.  For example, it can show up as anxiety, perfectionism, avoidance, imposter syndrome, procrastination, self-sabotage, over working, and resistance to name a few.  Further it can affect any aspect of life, work, relationships, personal goals and spiritually.

When I help clients explore issues in their life and we identify the deeper root cause we find some type of core sense of “not being good enough”, and this is what we need to focus on and change.  When clients can change this deep-seated sense of themselves, they often make remarkable changes to their lives.

As this core theme comes up in different ways for clients I came up with a more general term, the “not good enough core theme!” for discussion purposes.  I have outlined below some of the more specific ways it can show up for people.  For example, a deep sense of:


  • Broken
  • Weak
  • Bad
  • Inadequate
  • Worthless
  • A failure
  • Defective
  • Hopeless
  • Not good ENOUGH

Over the coming months I will be delving into each of these specific examples a little more, using some case studies to give you a deeper understanding of how this issue presents and how the programs we offer may be helpful.  In the next blog I want to focus on the goal of the True Self method, Perpetual Growth, because this is a very important element of what we do.



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